Today our topic of discussion is Mensuration Exercise 16.3.
Mensuration Exercise 16.3
Exercises 16.3
- Angle subtended by a circular segment at the centre is 30°. If the diameter of the circle is 126 cm, determine the length of the arc.
- A horse circled around a field with a speed of 66 metre per minute in 1 minute. Determine the diameter of the field.
- Area of a circular segment is 77 square metre and the radius is 21 metre. Determine the angle subtended at the centre by the circular arc.
- The radius of a circle is 14 cm and an arc subtends an angle 75° at its centre. Determine the area of the circular segment.
- There is a road around a circular field. The outer circumference of the road is greater than the inner circumference by 44 meters. Find the width of the road.
6. The diameter of a circular park is 26 metre. There is a road of 2 metre width surrounding the park. Determine the area of the road.
7. The diameter of the front wheel of a car is 28 cm and the back wheel is 35 cm. To cover a distance of 88 metre, how many integer number of times more the front wheel will revolve than the back one?
8. The circumference of a circle is 220 metre. Determine the length of the side of the square, inscribed in the circle.
9. The circumference of a circle is equal to the perimeter of an equilateral triangle. Determine the ratio of their areas.
10. Determine the area of the dark marked region with the help of the information given below:
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