Today our topic of discussion is Statistics Exercises 17.
Statistics Exercises 17
Exercise 17
- Which one indicates the data included in each class when the data are classified?
1) Class interval
2) Mid-point of the class
3)Number of classes
4) Class frequency
- If the disorganized data of statistics are arranged according to the value, the data cluster round near any central value. This tendency of data is called
1) Mode
2) Central tendency
3) Mean
4) Median
- Consider the table below:
(i) Class interval is 3
(ii) Median class is 8° -10°
(iii) Temperature is a discontinuous variable
Which of the following is true?
1) i and ii
2) i and iii
3) ii and iii
- To draw histograms we need –
(i) Discontinuous class interval along x axis
(ii) Frequency along y axis
(iii) Class mid-point
Which of the following is true?
1) i and ii
2) i and iii
3) ii and iii
4) i, ii and ii
- In case of data, Mode is –
(i) Measures of central tendency
(ii) Represented value which is mostly occurred
(ii) May not unique in all respect
Which is correct on the basis of above information?
1) i and ii
2) i and iii
3) ii and iii
4) i, ii and iii
In winter, the statistics of temperatures (in Celsius) of a region in Bangladesh is 10°,9°, 8°, 6°, 11°,12 °, 7°, 13°, 14°, 5°. In the context of this statistics, answer questions(6-8).
- Which is the mode of the above numerical data?
1) 12 °
2) 5 °
3) 14 °
4) no mode
- Which one is the mean of temperature of the above numerical data?
1) 8°
2) 8.5 °
3) 9.5°
4) 9°
- Which one is the median of the data?
1) 9.5°
2) 9°
3) 8.5°
4) 8°
- The number of classified data included in the table is n1 the lower limit of median class is L, the cumulative data of previous class to median class is Fc the frequency of median class is fmand class interval is h. In the light of these information, which one is the formula for determining the median
1) L + (n/2 – Fc * h/Fm
2) L + (n/2 – F_{m}) * h/Fm
3) L – (n/2 – Fc) * h/Fm
4) L – (n/2 – Fm) * h/Fm
- The frequency distribution table of marks obtained in mathematics of 60 students of class X is given below. Draw frequency diagram and ogive curve.
- Frequency distribution table of the marks obtained in mathematics of 50 students of class X are provided. Draw the frequency polygon of the provided data
- The following are the marks obtained in Mathematics of fifty students of class IX in a school:
76, 65, 98, 79, 64, 68, 56, 73, 83, 57, 55, 92, 45, 77, 87, 46, 32, 75, 89, 48,97, 88, 65, 73, 93, 58, 41, 69, 63, 39, 84, 56, 45, 73, 93, 62, 67, 69, 65, 53 78, 64, 85, 53, 73, 34, 75, 82, 67, 62
1) What is the type of the given information? What indicate frequency in a class of distribution?
2) Make frequency table taking appropriate class interval.
3) Determine the mean of the given number by short-cut method.
1) In the above figure, what is the mid-point value of the first class and what is the frequency of the last class?
2) Express by data of information demonstrated in the above figure.
3) Find the median of frequency obtained from 142.
- The frequency distribution table of weights (in kg) of 60 students of a class are:
1) Write the formula to determine median.
2) Find the mode of the data.
3) Draw histogram of the data.
- Temperature is always changing. Usually in Bangladesh temperature is comparatively lower during first week of January and comparatively higher during fourth week of June. Following is the list of temperatures of 52 weeks is celsius.
35, 30, 27, 42, 20, 19, 27, 36, 39, 14, 15, 38, 37, 40, 40, 12, 10, 9, 7, 20, 21, 24, 33, 30, 29, 21, 19, 31, 28, 26, 32, 30, 22, 23, 24, 41, 26, 23, 25, 22, 17, 19, 21, 23, 8, 13, 23, 24, 20, 32, 11, 17
1) Calculate the number of classes considering a class interval of 5.
2) Express the given data in a tabular form and find the mean value of temperatures.
3) Draw histogram using the table and find the mode.
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